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Daily Thread 3.31: Post Westlemania RAW fall out

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    Daily Thread 3.31: Post Westlemania RAW fall out

    Thorts on last nights show...

    Was disappointed that there was no Undertaker/Wyatt fawl out
    The Lost Society was filmed before a dead studio audience...

    Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
    I support evolution of cuisine in all venues, including the sporting facility
    Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
    Mortadella is the grown up cousin of bologna. Very good, and proving to be one of my favorite meats.

    Surprising. Maybe they will do it on smackdown? They are trying to push eyeballs there.

    I know Wyatt sprained his ankle. Maybe he was limited
    "I make so few [mistakes] compared to other people and I'm on so much longer and cover so much more stuff than people, but I know I'm going to be and should be held to a higher standard,"
    All content and writing contained is for amusement purposes only. The board is a parody site with many fabricated and exaggerated fictional pieces on public figures. There should be no implication that any writing is factual as its done for entertainment purposes only.


      Thort they should have had Sting do his speech on Raw to close the show....saying he hopes he gets another crack at WM and next time he plans on winning and then *BONG* Taker comes out and says see you next year and leaves. Bink bink boom
      Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


        Originally posted by The Agency View Post
        Thort they should have had Sting do his speech on Raw to close the show....saying he hopes he gets another crack at WM and next time he plans on winning and then *BONG* Taker comes out and says see you next year and leaves. Bink bink boom
        Taker can't go another FULL year without showing his face right...he would have to be a little more present.

        The only other match I could see for sting would be wyatt...but that might be a bit too similar with this wyatt/taker stuff

        imagine being wyatt and going back to back to back belly to belly to belly with Cena/Taker/Sting at mania before you turn 30
        The Lost Society was filmed before a dead studio audience...

        Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
        I support evolution of cuisine in all venues, including the sporting facility
        Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
        Mortadella is the grown up cousin of bologna. Very good, and proving to be one of my favorite meats.


          Originally posted by Say Hello to Ottis View Post
          Taker can't go another FULL year without showing his face right...he would have to be a little more present.

          The only other match I could see for sting would be wyatt...but that might be a bit too similar with this wyatt/taker stuff

          imagine being wyatt and going back to back to back belly to belly to belly with Cena/Taker/Sting at mania before you turn 30
          I think WM32 in Texas is going to be his last match. I think we awl know dat. So he'll be more present to hype it than he was this year. But I'm guessing we don't see him again until 2016.


            Originally posted by Say Hello to Ottis View Post
            Taker can't go another FULL year without showing his face right...he would have to be a little more present.

            The only other match I could see for sting would be wyatt...but that might be a bit too similar with this wyatt/taker stuff

            imagine being wyatt and going back to back to back belly to belly to belly with Cena/Taker/Sting at mania before you turn 30
            I thort Cole was trying to imply during the WM match that Taker would be around more often ("Has he come back to claim his yard?") so who knows. Vince has always says Taker has free reign to come and go as he pleases

            Problem with Wyatt is he keeps getting into this big feuds and losing and he never has any real reasoning behind it. I would let him start fresh by recruiting new members to his *family*, like some guys from NXT, and try to rebuild him that way.
            Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


              Really giving Serious thort to going to Texas next year.

              If austin wrestles there it will be crazy. That's what I'm waiting on.

              And I'm counting in punk interference.
              "I make so few [mistakes] compared to other people and I'm on so much longer and cover so much more stuff than people, but I know I'm going to be and should be held to a higher standard,"
              All content and writing contained is for amusement purposes only. The board is a parody site with many fabricated and exaggerated fictional pieces on public figures. There should be no implication that any writing is factual as its done for entertainment purposes only.


                Originally posted by The Agency View Post
                I thort Cole was trying to imply during the WM match that Taker would be around more often ("Has he come back to claim his yard?") so who knows. Vince has always says Taker has free reign to come and go as he pleases

                Problem with Wyatt is he keeps getting into this big feuds and losing and he never has any real reasoning behind it. I would let him start fresh by recruiting new members to his *family*, like some guys from NXT, and try to rebuild him that way.
                Bo Dallas = BEAK WYATT

                We gotta ban this shit bros
                The Lost Society was filmed before a dead studio audience...

                Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                I support evolution of cuisine in all venues, including the sporting facility
                Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                Mortadella is the grown up cousin of bologna. Very good, and proving to be one of my favorite meats.


                  Originally posted by A Couple Quickies View Post
                  Really giving Serious thort to going to Texas next year.

                  If austin wrestles there it will be crazy. That's what I'm waiting on.

                  And I'm counting in punk interference.
                  Gun to my head I say the card looks like this next year:

                  Reigns/Lesnar II
                  Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


                    how yuge would Austins pop be in texas...when was the last time he was on TV...his podcast is king if you haven't listened

                    Austin vs CM Punk would be a dream matchup heah
                    The Lost Society was filmed before a dead studio audience...

                    Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                    I support evolution of cuisine in all venues, including the sporting facility
                    Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                    Mortadella is the grown up cousin of bologna. Very good, and proving to be one of my favorite meats.


                      Originally posted by Say Hello to Ottis View Post
                      Bo Dallas = BEAK WYATT

                      We gotta ban this shit bros
                      Hes one of the guys Id have him recuit, it makes too much sense.
                      Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


                        Originally posted by Say Hello to Ottis View Post
                        how yuge would Austins pop be in texas...when was the last time he was on TV...his podcast is king if you haven't listened

                        Austin vs CM Punk would be a dream matchup heah
                        Arstin is having some *issues* with Vince if da rumahs are true. Was supposed to show up at Mania and Vince canned it last minute. Then they went with Jerichos podcast over Austins instead. Austin-Brock would blow the roof off of Cowboy Stadium
                        Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


                          Who dan heck are the gonna get for the HOF once Sting and Taker get in? Is dere anyone big left ???
                          Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger


                            Originally posted by The Agency View Post
                            Arstin is having some *issues* with Vince if da rumahs are true. Was supposed to show up at Mania and Vince canned it last minute. Then they went with Jerichos podcast over Austins instead. Austin-Brock would blow the roof off of Cowboy Stadium
                            ahhh...certainly not shocking...I know Austin would only get back in the ring with someone he trusts and recently I heard him say him and brock are maybe dat works...gotta get him in now before he starts to look like the guys in your avatar
                            The Lost Society was filmed before a dead studio audience...

                            Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                            I support evolution of cuisine in all venues, including the sporting facility
                            Originally posted by Dave in the City Out West
                            Mortadella is the grown up cousin of bologna. Very good, and proving to be one of my favorite meats.


                              Originally posted by The Agency View Post
                              Who dan heck are the gonna get for the HOF once Sting and Taker get in? Is dere anyone big left ???
                              The Rock is not in yet.

