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WM 31 - Main Event Predictions

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    WM 31 - Main Event Predictions

    What I'd like to see…

    Lesnar wins…Rollins tries to cash in with help from Reigns…Lensar beats them both down and keeps belt…Heyman and Lesnar with organic face turn…

    What I think happens…

    Clean win for Reigns…end of show.
    Originally posted by The Mawquis
    Like heroes, you don't claim to be one. You just keep walkin' the life.

    Originally posted by Parcells Falling Out View Post
    What I'd like to see…

    Lesnar wins…Rollins tries to cash in with help from Reigns…Lensar beats them both down and keeps belt…Heyman and Lesnar with organic face turn…

    What I think happens…

    Clean win for Reigns…end of show.
    Lesnar wins in a double turn, I think
    Originally posted by AntwanBoldin
    Why is baseball ?
    Originally posted by PrettyTony
    Come meet me montrose in Westchester. I'll bang you.


      Originally posted by The Capitan2
      FIDZ...would you give Gordon Ramsay a handy J if it meant he would be your personal chef for life...and you don't buy any of the food he does.


        Rey Mysterio comes out and personally maims the entire IC ladder match
        "I make so few [mistakes] compared to other people and I'm on so much longer and cover so much more stuff than people, but I know I'm going to be and should be held to a higher standard,"
        All content and writing contained is for amusement purposes only. The board is a parody site with many fabricated and exaggerated fictional pieces on public figures. There should be no implication that any writing is factual as its done for entertainment purposes only.


          What I want to happen- Lesnar keeps the belt and stays a heel along with Heyman.
          What's today's circus?


            Originally posted by yots View Post
            What I want to happen- Lesnar keeps the belt and stays a heel along with Heyman.
            Babyface Heyman and Lesnar against the Authority with reunited heel Shield.

            Heyman forms a face stable of Paul Heyman Guys that includes Ryback and Axel and maybe Bryan and Ziggler, to go against the Shield, Kane and Big Show. Orton goes and does something else.


              Originally posted by Parcells Falling Out View Post
              What I'd like to see…

              Lesnar wins…Rollins tries to cash in with help from Reigns…Lensar beats them both down and keeps belt…Heyman and Lesnar with organic face turn…

              What I think happens…

              Clean win for Reigns…end of show.

              This. Smart move is too keep lesnar strong and do the double turn. Could also see lesnar destroy Reigns and then rock interferes for the dq and sets up wm32

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Rest In Peace John P. Cloninger







