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***FORUM GUIDELINES (Read Me First!)***

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    ***FORUM GUIDELINES (Read Me First!)***

    Originally posted by Daniel Murphy HOF

    Just got back from a rainy Citi Field, had $10 ticket in section 323. :metsblog: had the heads up that McFadden's was doing a $2 Bud Light scenario so I met up with a buddy there. Was drinking a few, about to head in even though the tarp was still on (wanted to check out Delta 360 Club and check out the view from the seat) and we look up and see "Game Postponed". Not only does that suck, but I knew our tickets wouldn't be honored in the double header so the $10 for awesome seats will now just be a discount on regular seats with the rain check rules. Add on to that, the 7 train was packed and experiencing signal troubles. . Binked and boomed my way to the E then M and bypassed that whole situation.

    Oh well. I've got the day off on Thursday so I might grab some more cheap seats and spend the day watching disappointing baseball.

    Very lawng and boring story shawt, da Mets screw ovah theyuh fans, ok, just a second rate awgunizashun.

    Classless Mets/Jets/Nets....Something about the -Ets ending teams....
    Originally posted by potroast
    I would jack harder than anyone has ever jacked if that deal ever took place