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Reapah's 2013 In See A Tournament Picks

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    Reapah's 2013 In See A Tournament Picks

    Listen, here are some tremendous picks fer tomorrows action OK. Those of you interested in making a little extrar during da madness can take these fer yourselves.

    Hahvahd +11
    Wichitar State +4
    Michigan -11.5
    Michigan State - 10.5
    Akron +7.5
    Gonzagar -22

    Not a lot of people are mentioning Akron OK. But listen, they are a tremendous team. Vah Comm gets a lot of air time because of their tremendous accomplishments in tournaments past, but dis Akron team can play.

    Some of you may be awah that Reapah consistantly cleans up during this tournament. Following his own formular, Reapah has been a winnah 6 of da past 7 yeahs, with fawr very strong yeahs. It is not uncommon fer Reapah to hit a tremendous amount of 3 team pahlays, which are his favorite based on da odds. 2 yeahs ago Reapah hit a 7 team pahlay paying odds right around 100-1. It was a tremendous effaht in which Reapah went 8 fer 8 in da Satahday games in da round of 32. That round in pahticulah is where Reapah consistantly does damage. Da sweet 16 is also very kind to da Reapah.

    So take it fer what its werth. If you like to win a little and get in da mix on Mahch Madness aside from da bracket scenario, these picks could serve you well. Be advised that the round of 64 has been a round in which da Reapah hovahs above .500, but has taken losses in da past. Last yeah, da 2nd day of games required a reload aftah a not so stellah opening Thursday. Da Friday games werked out well howevah and anothah homerun was hit in da round of 32.

    Good luck to you s as I know plenty of you will be getting in da mix with picks of yer own.

    The Gonzagar play hurt fer a variety of reasons. Turned out to be a losing day factahing in pahlays.

    Two HUGE errors. First, it wouldve been common fer me to freeroll da Gonzagar play considahing I had hit the first 2 legs of a 3 teamah involving them. Got home from werk and forgot to realize I didnt need to straight bet Gonzagar at that point.

    The othah big novice mistake was not realizing Akron had suspended their stahting PG. I guess they had no desire to compete. Not having skilled ball handlahs is a recipe fer disastah against Vah Comm.

    The Gonzagar mistake lead to mixing in a few more bets in da evening action. I did have St Louis and Syracuse which I didnt list as picks I liked, but I also have Missouri who as I type this are looking like a failure. With da pahlays fahctahed in I will wind up taking a small loss on da day despite coming up slightly ahead in da straight bet scenarios.

    Nevahtheless here are my favorite plays fer tomorrow............

    UNC -4
    Duke -18
    Northwestern St +20.5
    Kansas -20.5
    Notre Dame -1.5

    Im considahing straight bets on Indiana -21 and Illinois -1 but, we will see how things shake out early. I have Illinois as the 3rd leg in a pahlay, but will be wise this time if I hit the first two.(Duke/Wisc -6) The 5 I list up top are definate straight bet scenarios.

    Good luck to you othah gambling s tomorrow unless of cawse hugh have picks that oppose mine.


      great job by you putting your picks out there documentation style

      if someone were to have just played your straight picks..4-2..that's a great day..slow and steady is the key mr. reaper

      good luck on your action, today
      Originally posted by The Mawquis
      And she shouldn't be wearing horizontal stripes in that scenario...doesn't help her cause.

      Imagine Mike wearing horizontal stripes.


        What do you think of Miami -14 v. Pacific?

        Thought that came in low.
        What's today's circus?


          Things arent going well early today. Reapah is looking at a potential reload scenario.

          Noter Dame has move to a pick em, which is interesting.
          UNC was and still is my favorite play of the day. It has moved to -4.5
          I almost pulled da triggah on LaSalle and da Canes, but my ness didnt allow me.
          I have laid off Indianar.
          Im also backing off Illinois because of da situation of trying to avoid a reload, but I still have them in a parlay scenario that is still live.
          For now, UNC, ND, and Kansas are the only planned straight picks fer the evening sessions, but I may get a couple of othahs in the mix. I have NW St in da pahlay mix and liked that line initially so I still may get involved in a straight wagah there.


            Satahday's plays in da round of 32. Listen, Da bets go up to anothah level in this round OK.

            In ordah of how well I like da play....

            Mich St - 5.5
            St Louis -3.5
            Loserville - 10.5
            Butlah +2.5
            Michigan - 3.5
            Hawvahd +10
            Syracuse - 7.5

            Good luck.


              Saw the Arizona -10 numbah.... thought that one came in high.
              What's today's circus?


                Sunday's round of 32 scenario

                Floridar Gulf Coast +7
                LaSalle +4
                Miami -7.5
                Floridar -7.5
                Kansas -6
                Indianar -11.5
                Iowar St +7

                Good luck s.


                  Agreed on all those picks Reapah, not sure if I should be happy or werried.
                  Twitter: @johnw8788


                    Well its definately not been da usual stellah perfawmance so far in da NCA tourney this yeah fer da Reapah.

                    An unremahkable 5-6 in da round of 64, followed by a subpah 9-5 mahk in da round of 32 has put da Reapah on da ropes.

                    Now, if you were to have wagahed on those games with unweighted straight plays, then hugh would be doin OK at 14-11 so fah. Howevah, if youre like da Reapah, you love to try and hit yuge pahlays.

                    "This is found money. I wanna pahlay it. I wanna make a big score!"

                    "Oh you mean you wanna lose it."

                    I should be around even despite these pahlay scenarios, but unfortunately I could not staht up with an amount Im accustomed to this yeah because of an upcoming vacation scenario. This has caused my pahlay wagahs to not be as small proportionally to my straight wagahs. As a result, Im stuck a bit.

                    It also did not help that I hit 4 out of 5 on 5 team pahlays fer 3 consecutive days, or hitting 2 out of 3 on 3 team pahlays on 4 seperate occasions.

                    The Akron play on day 1 was an absolute killah as it cost me both 3 and 5 teamahs. Miami not covahing vs. Illinois was the final piece of a failed 5 teamah on Sunday night as well. That one stung because all of the othah action involved was final when that game wound down. I nevah really sniffed a 7 teamah, hitting 5 of 7 only once I believe.


                      Bracket scenarios........

                      Reapah is still alive on a couple of bracket scenarios. If you s use 5dimes, you are awahe of the pools they have. If you dont use 5dimes, I highly reccommend it.

                      The $25 pool is ovah 16 grrr. The key fer Reapah here, aside from getting da championship pahticipants and winnah correct, is Arizonar beating Ohio St. So few ahead of me have Arizonar advancing to da elite 8, that it would bring me towahds da top of da standings going forward and advance me past those who have da same champion and runnah up scenario.

                      Looking at da brackets, nothing has been a yuge surprise really. I still have 11 of da 16, with 6 elite 8s alive, 3 final 4s, and both title game pahticipants. All 7 of da teams I felt could win da whole thing are still alive. At this point I would howevah add Arizonar in da mix of teams I think could win it all. They are even bettah than I thort they were.

                      That region is da one I thort chaos could take place. Its really da reason I took Gonzagar in every bracket. I just didnt see anyone good enough in that bracket. At this point howevah, I would think Arizonar wouldve beaten Gonzagar had they even made it to the elite 8. I nevah advanced Gonzagar to da title game because I didnt think they were good enough to beat da winnah of da Louisville bracket.

                      That region is very strong. While some considah it the best, I dont think it is. Its 2nd in my book. I felt Dook, Louisville, or Mich St would win it and picked one of da 3 everytime, most often Dook and Louisville. I think I only took Mich St once. Having thort whoevah won that bracket would defeat Gonzagar, I now think they could get tested should Arizonar advance to da final 4.

                      The strongest region in my book is da Kansas, Floridar, Michigan region. Im with Tank in that I felt Michigan and Florida were way undahseeded. Those are all top 5 teams right there. Floridar and Michigan spent much time in da top 5 all yeah and time at #1 as well. Teams losing conference games on da road is not a big deal, especially in da big 10. Michigan is loaded. I took a combination of those 3 teams to win that region, most often Floridar only because I felt they would beat Georgetown and took them in that game everytime whereas I split da KU/Michigan matchup everytime. If eithah of those 2 teams wins it all they are going to make a helluva run to da title. They will likely beat the othah 4 teams that make up da top 5 in my book(KU, Floridar, Indiana, Michigan, Louisville) in no ordah. I would put Duke right behind those teams and considah them a contendah to win it all too. That region is loaded. I simply cant call a winnah in that KU/Michigan game. I think eithah team could win and it could be close or lopsided eithah way.

                      The last region I took da same scenario everytime. The Butlah loss hurt me in da brackets because I had them beating Miami and losing to Indianar. I still believe Indianar wins that region, but they will be tested by both Syracuse and da Miami/Mawhket winnah. They could certainly lose howevah that region is not as strong as da KU and Louisville regions.

                      A scenario where Arizonar wins tomorrow and da final 4 featuahs Dook, Floridar, and Indianar, with Indianar beating Dook in da title game gives Reapah a great shot at da 16 grand.


                        Having said all of that, I give you Reapah's Sweet 16 picks ATS.......

                        Arizonar +3.5(Im surprised this line hasnt moved. This seems like a lock. I really like da odds on Arizonar winning this game straight up. Good value in that play.)
                        Duke -2
                        Floridar Gulf Coast +13
                        Louisville -10
                        Mawhkett +5.5
                        LaSalle +4
                        Indianar -5.5

                        Good luck to you s dis week.



                          Syracuse -4.5
                          Wichitar +4.5
                          Louisville -3.5
                          Michigan +2.5


