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My Current Hot100 Tracks W/E 5.11.13

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    My Current Hot100 Tracks W/E 5.11.13

    Thought I would do this for the hell of it since I've been doing a weekly chart for most of the last 35+ years. Don't know if there'll be any interest but I figured maybe it might drive some traffic to the lower rungs of the board.

    As for the chart itself, these are the 100 current tracks I've played and liked the most during the week. At the end of the year, I assign an inverse point scale to each song based on its chart position each week and add the track's play counts as tabulated by my scrobbler (which I hope and expect to be accurate) X10 to give the song its final year end point total. Yes, I know I have no life.

    To the left of the song title is its last 4 weeks chart run: This week's #1 song, Sweater Weather, which it certainly is today, jumped from #4 after spending the prior 2 weeks at #5.

    Bulleted songs, those whose last weeks ranking are in bold, are awarded to the tracks showing the greatest increases in plays or general liking. I'm usually conservative with chart rankings, meaning I don't hear a new song and say, like omg! this is my new favorite song! and throw it at the top. It took Sweater Weather 18 weeks to hit the top, which is actually much slower than the norm. Previous #1, Sing Loud, hit #1 in its 9th week and spent 6 weeks at the top. That's a more likely occurrence.

    The numbers on the right of the artist name are the weeks on chart and the song's peak position. I'm not real good with Excel and didn't feel like spending the time trying to learn it when I started using it for my charts several years ago.

    There are 10 new entries this week; led by British singer/songwriter Michael Kiwanuka at a rather impressive #56. Mariah Carey enters at a surprisingly high #74 with what I feel is one of her strongest songs in over a decade. Since I'm not a Mariah stan it remains to be seen just how high this goes, but it's off to a great start.

    Powerpopper of the week goes to Awolnation for a spectacular 62-19 leap with thiskidsnotalright. It's almost guaranteed to be the acts 4th straight top 5 hit in the last 2 years.

    Fail of the week goes to C2C which tumbles 49-86 in its 11th week. It reached #26 in its best week. A drop like that isn't uncommon though it sounds like a huge disparity over a 7 day time period. Many decent songs climb the chart over a matter of a couple months but then meet a rapid demise as I realize they don't have what it takes to reach a higher level.

    So anyway, here it is, my Hot100 tracks!
    I'd rather a daughter a whore, than a son who's a Broncos fan.